老街腾龙公司集团拥有诸多海外留学归来的高管团队及技术精英,始终坚持“敢为人先、追求卓越、诚信务实、勤勉尽责”的经营宗旨,铸造了众多的精品工程,营造了和谐的企业文化,树立了优良的市场品牌和社会形象;客户遍及欧美专业企业及知名海外资本基金,形成了定制、投资、规划、开发、经营、管理、服务全产业链经营发展模式。其中,建设工程有限公司致力于高标准专业化工业厂房及标准化物流仓储定制建设,同时与海外基金有密切战略合作。随着绿色生态建筑领域和BIM技术的蓬勃发展,建设专门成立了绿色建筑部门和组建了专业BIM团队,为项目全周期提供实时监控和高新技术支持;为顺应国家倡导的绿色可持续发展的建筑工业化道路,提高工程质量,加快施工效率,保障施工安全,创造性地在使用装配式建筑技术的基础上,创立了科学的工程管理方法,采用了EPCM五位一体建设模式,最大化提高了装配式建筑的优势。这一创举也为乐歌杭州现代物流暨电子商务产业园项目的成功奠定了坚实的基础,为集团公司项目施工树立了标杆;目前建设在装配式工业地产施工方面处于全国领先行列信息科技有限公司作为腾龙公司集团的科技、技术研发团队,在智能建筑、绿色建筑、建筑科技等领域投入巨大,与德国等重要科研院所合作,致力于新技术新材料等开发应用。同时,集团公司在产业开发前期规划方面与设计院所、政府部门都有良好合作,为集团公司全产业链经营提供有力保障和支持。 多年来腾龙公司集团始终坚持“敢为人先、追求卓越、诚信务实、勤勉尽责”的经营宗旨,以市场要求和政策导向作为自己创新和发展的指南针,一如继往地践行“以人为本、科技为先、自强不息、共赢共存”的企业理念,竭诚与社会各界携手合作,共创辉煌!
TYCON Group has many senior management teams and technical elites who have returned from overseas study. They always adhere to the business tenet of “Dare to be first, pursue excellence, be honest and pragmatic, and diligently fulfill its responsibility”, and have created many excellent projects and created a harmonious corporate culture. It has established an excellent market brand and social image; its customers are all over the European and American professional enterprises and well-known overseas capital funds, forming a business development model of customization, investment, planning, development, operation, management and service. Among them, Shanghai TYCON Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. is committed to the high-standard specialized industrial plants and standardized logistics and warehousing custom construction, and has close strategic cooperation with overseas funds. With the vigorous development of green ecological building and BIM technology, TYCON Construction has set up a green building department and established a professional BIM team to provide real-time monitoring and high-tech support for the project cycle; to comply with the state-sponsored green sustainable development The industrialization of construction, improving the quality of construction, speeding up construction efficiency, ensuring construction safety, and creatively creating a scientific engineering management method based on the use of fabricated building technology, using the EPCM five-in-one construction model, maximizing the improvement The advantages of prefabricated buildings. This pioneering work also laid a solid foundation for the success of the Hangzhou Ge Modern Logistics and E-Commerce Industrial Park project, setting a benchmark for the Group's project construction; currently TYCON Construction is a national leader in the construction of fabricated industrial real estate. As a technology and technology research and development team of TYCON Group, TYCON Information Technology Co., Ltd. has invested heavily in intelligent construction, green building, building technology and other fields. It cooperates with important research institutes such as Germany and is committed to the development and application of new technologies and materials. At the same time, the group company has good cooperation with design institutes and government departments in the pre-planning of industrial development, providing strong guarantee and support for the whole industry cha